
Putin is Officially Sexiest Man Alive! (Both in Russia and the rest of the world)

I am Putin and I know it

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Hey comrades,

As a straight male, before I went to bed, I always ask myself: who is the sexiest man alive?
Is it James Bond, the strong and skillful agent who charms and undresses women and triumphs villains with his unlimited talents? Nyet! Is it Arnold Schwarzenegger, the real Mr. Olympia, Predator’ vanquisher with the nickname “Get-to-the-choppa!!!”, and our beloved Terminator-Governator? Nyet!

Is it Sylvester Stallone, Rocky, and Rambo? Nyet!

Is it Chuck Norris, who doesn’t need any introduction? Nyet? Nyet!

It’s *drumroll* VLADIMIR VLADIMOROVICH PUTIN, daaaaaa!

In its recent article New York Post found out the following:
The highly suspect and mildly terrifying poll by job board site surveyed 2,000 Russians and determined that the 68-year-old bachelor is the sexiest man in the country, the Moscow Times reported.

Yeah, I know it's a Russian poll but hey, who would deny that Putin is the sexiest man alive, at least as the sexiest president? Ok, let’s check out another candidacy:

Joe Biden. Yep, back in the days, Joe was a lady’s man, but now… well... eh… mmm… how can I put this more softly… I just hope Joe would cancel student loans, and he’ll be fine!

Xi Jinping. Did anybody already joke about the Asian small pack? Oh, did I just? Is it racist? Ok, can you prove it? Here you go!

Boris Johnson. Really, can a man whose name is Boris has something to do with the sex?

Emmanuel Macron. His wife, who is twice elder than him, can say it but would we believe to 67-years old lady? Perhaps Joe would!

Seems like there is nobody who can challenge Putin’s status as the sexiest and manliest man in the world.

What can I say? Takie dela at the moment.  



Quarantine Dating Glossary: Semi-Surrogate Sex Life?

Quarantine Dating Glossary: Semi-Surrogate Sex Life?
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Quarantine Dating Glossary: Semi-Surrogate Sex Life?

Zdorova, ladies and ladies!

            We all wonder how to f*ck during quarantine? The Ultimate Guide To Quarantine Dating Lingo shared guidelines on how to avoid loneliness or, to simply put this, how not to be a sexless loser during this prolonged epidemy.

            Here are the guidelines we need to follow:

1)     Zoom Date. Despite Zoom’s glitches, you and your crush can have a great conversation from afar.

What’s wrong with that? It’s a distance relationship that hardly ever lead to something serious. Even you can see your second half from your PC or smartphone screen, you remained alone. You may drown into real heart-breaking solitude because (and I have that experience guys that once put me into a long depression when I drank countless vodkas) the odds are that you can become obsessed with your love object so much that it can cause troubles with your everyday life.

However, some people like this. I don’t know about you guys, but it’s not my freaking type. I learned this line from one of my acquaintances who said he won’t live in Las Vegas since there are too many casinos he didn’t expect (WTF, MAN?!).

2)     Virtual One Night Stand. When hooking up with someone with no intention to continue communication, now it takes online format with much more sexting.

What’s wrong with that? It’s a paradox since hook up implies, if you don’t know it, my dear first-graders, real-life meeting with minimum sexting part. Sexting is a good idea, but when it happens online-only (if I get this right) it looks like a middle-school I-love-you-let-me-pound-you note a teacher can accidentally pick up and say… well, it’s OK, kid, come into mah haus’ we’ll watch Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.

3)     Match-Cute. Instead of going to Starbucks or Bookstore (which usually is the same thing), you see your crash’ profile and his or her desires in dating apps.

What’s wrong with that? Dating apps sucks guys. Back in the days when they were becoming popular, you had better chances to catch prey. Right now, dating apps consisted of a bunch of fakes, retarded millennials (who wrote ridiculous things like “If you like sharks, GFY” or “I am a white girl and wish to be a gay man” (no b*llshit, guys, I saw it; for your information, honey, if you are a girl you are already gay!), and selfish valley girls who want to date or marry a rich purse. I don’t want to demotivate you folks, and they're still a chance to find a good fit, but let’s admit that we all saw that. Dating apps are the worst thing in the universe, besides Twitter and New York Metro.

4)     Coronavirus Boyfriend. Someone you met before quarantine and who you decided to reach out because you are tired of boredom. It might not be the best thing, but now it’s OK.

Nothing wrong with that so far except the fact that you may break up with ‘someone nice’ when you get bored. Don’t play on feelings, folks.

5)     Corona-zoned which is pandemic friend-zoning.

What’s wrong with that? Just read this again: pandemic friendzone. It’s so disgraceful that I can’t leave any more comments on that.

6)      Sexually Isolating to prevent getting COVID-19.

Can work for introverts, but not for everybody else.

7)     Turbo Relationship. Quick relationship within the space of a few months.

What’s wrong with that? It’s just another semi-fake relationship with few obligations.

8)     Zumping or chat room.

            Good idea, but I am already doing it with KGB.

9)     Post-Quarantine Date. The first date you go with someone you met on dating apps or social media.

Finally, the real-life date! Just don’t tell you like sharks, and everything will probably go smoothly.

That’s it, ladies and ladies and it’s up you to decide what the best for you. Let me share my alternative:

1)     Use your phone or PC a few times a day or when you need to. Surprisingly, but it can reduce the level of stress and make you feel freer.

2)     Instead of watching Netflix, grab a good book since reading is always a good idea.

3)     Though all gyms are closed, create a jogging habit on the morning or evenings.

4)     Try meditation.

5)     It’s a good time to advance your skills and to work on your flaws. Become a better version of yourself!

Millennials be like:

Wat, I just read? Stop using the phone, read more, and go jogging? Work on yourself? Bruh, I am perfect though others say I am not (they just jealous!). Who read books in 21 century? The last thing I read was the McDonald’s menu. My favorite part is about Bacon and Cheeseburger. You made such an oppressive comment! You don’t like that I hate sharks? You hate me because my gender is Arctic Seal?  YOU’RE RACIST! I am going to call the police… wait I hate the police… OMG, I started to cry.

SEX EDUCATION 101 Professor Vladimir Trump

Sex Education 101 Professor Vladimir Trump

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Zdorova bratva

It’s been almost four months since the quarantine started, and people still wonder: “What the f*ck is going on?”. And it’s a pizdetz suka blyat!

While there are tones of answers to that question, both subjective, objective, biased, unbiased, and other nobody-give-sh*t responses, other important questions come up.

Before I’ll put this, excuse my language by using words related to sex. For many people it’s an uncomfortable topic. Since I respect the feelings of my audience, and since I am very polite and politically correct person, I’ll ask this straight:

How to f*ck during f*cking quarantine? And what the f*ck is going f*ucking on with f*cking how to do f*cking f*ck?

See, how I didn’t use the s-word? Because I can relate to you (konechno net) feelings. By the way, the * hides the letter ‘u’. It’s for the kids, who study the alphabet.

In other words, I am a pure, communist angel as Stalin called me.

But let me put the jokes aside. How to do thiS during quarantine? Well, here is an option.

If you want to be with women, men, gays, lesbians, transgenders, feminists, black-lives-matter activists, aliens, republicans, democrats, Bill Cosby, etc. you need to invite whoever he or she is to the party.

‘That’s impossible!’, you may ask.

Since it’s not math, it’s easy. To make this possible, you need to ask people to bring respirators, chips, and vodkas (especially this). Also, people need to bring themselves because otherwise, you would do this on your own.

You got what I mean?

People get clicked, and after drinking one gallon of vodka, they are ready for thiS. See? I don’t use s-word, because I respect you. Anyway, we speak about f*cking f*ck, da?

People can hug and touch each other since respirators don’t allow you to be face-to-face (which is a good thing, cause you or these party people can be very ugly or be the Republican party supporters).

That’s my advice to you, comrades. And one more thing. Before doing thiS (by what I mean f*cking f*ck) be sure that you have a partner that fits into your orientation. Because otherwise it would be… em… f*cked up.  

That’s all, my good and sexy tovarischi. And if you don’t have any friends, or a partner, you are not desperate! While reading my blog, you would feel as you are doing this (which is f*cking). It doesn’t work, at least you can imagine this and drink vodkas.
