
Yik Yak is back!

But no more trolling!

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Yik Yak is back!

Listen up, banditos!

Tom The Commie came up with exciting news: according to NPR article, a once-famous communication app called Yik Yak is back, and with no hate speech. This means the app might be boring as hell.

For those who didn’t know: Yik Yak was a once successful app that allowed its users to post anonymous messages within five miles of a certain location. If you still didn’t get then you are a dumbass here’s another example for you, my sweet vodka… I mean sweetheart:

Let’s say a group of The Chris Collins Show fans stop by within five miles of the show’s headquarters, and left these kinds of comments:

Dick Pussy

OMG, the show is amazing, and Chris is so good I just like his voice so much!

Mrs. CherryPie

I like Marissa Pitts because she is the woman in the show! Hey, listen all men every radio show is nothing without a woman. Go feminism!

P.S. Sorry girls it’s my time to make a sandwich for my hubby.

Fred The Capitalist

Hey, suka blyat Chris where is my money man? Where is my vodkas, where is my cocaine, where’s my money and all that rich sh*t you promised me?

P.S. hey ladies if you like Tom the Commie here’s his email:

P.S.S Hey Mrs. CherryPie hurry up! Sandwich won’t make itself!

Well, I hope you got the idea.

Takie dela.

RIP American Democracy and Freedom of Speech

Is this the end of American Values?


Hello, my dear comrades!

Y’all knows that Twitter banned Trump's account, even though he (as it was officially proclaimed) finally lost the election, probably already took Vladimir Putin’s portraits off the walls, and Is currently giving up the office to Joe Biden. Many rejoice in Twitter’s decision, particularly you, my little democrats. But what about freedom of speech? By the way besides Trump, Google Play and Appstore removed Parler (its status is currently offline), an app that was widely used by Alt-Rights, conspiracy theorists, Trump supporters, and so forth.

You can think anything about Trump and Parler users. Yet this time their rights were violated, their voices were forced to be silenced only because their views are not supported by others. Welcome to America, a country with a dying democracy, a land of unfree and home of non-brave!

In the article Russian opposition leader Navalny slams Trump ban as 'censorship' Alexey Navalny, a famous Russian opposition blogger (he’s not an opposition leader though, so stop lying American media, hahaha) made a clear statement:

“In my opinion, the decision to ban Trump was based on emotions and political preferences,” Navalny wrote in a lengthy Twitter thread posted on Saturday evening. “Don’t tell me he was banned for violating Twitter rules. I get death threats here every day for many years, and Twitter doesn’t ban anyone (not that I ask for it).”

I am neither fan of Trump nor Navalny. As I said before, Alexey Navalny is not even an opposition leader but rather a populist anti-Kremlin blogger. I don’t support his views, but I am 100% agree with his position about Trump. Because this practice would be carried on in the future, even democrat leaders whose outlook may be somehow distinguished could be banned. That way both republicans and democrats, rock and rap fans, pizza with pineapples, and just regular pepperoni lovers would lose a platform for debates. And without debates – however, they frequently might be one-sided and superficial – the public consensus is impossible. And without consensus, society can’t peacefully exist.

That’s everything I have for you today, folks! And I am going back to my Vodka treasury. If I used it last time to celebrate Russian hackers’ excellent job this time, I am about to… I’ll find a reason! So never mind.

Have a good day and let Twitter vanish like it never existed before!

The Socialist States of America

Is America really turning "red"?

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All Power to the Soviets!

For those who don’t know this is an old Soviet statement that highlights the strength of communist ideas that were, as we all know it, Soviet Union and other socialist states proclaimed, showed, and promoted.

            Why I am telling you this, my dear Americans, or, because of the following trend, that I am about to discuss in five-second, shall I start to call you my American comrades?

The thing is that now American youth is more than ever considered socialism as an effective alternative to capitalism according to the Fox News article Millennials, Gen Z increasingly comfortable with socialism, Marxism, activists say.

            How on earth America is turning red after the victory in the cold war over USSR and its allies?

            I promise – it’s either me, Vodka, nor Vladimir (yes, the one you thought about, and it’s not Putin but Lenin). Vladimir Illyich Lenin!

            Ironically, the end of the Cold War rather sent them underground than buried Marxist and other leftist ideas.   

            But do Americans need to consider this seriously?

            Historian Lee Edwards, Ph. D., says that:

"What most millennials mean by 'socialism' seems to be a mix of our welfare state and what they perceive to be Swedish democratic socialism. But Sweden and the other Scandinavian countries including Denmark favor the free market and are content with private rather than government ownership of their major industries."

            While historian is right in his observations, we all see that left ideas are becoming popular in the USA.

            However, don’t get afraid, my dear Americans. Neither socialism nor communism would hardly become a dominant ideology in the USA. No businessmen, no CEOs, white-collar workers won’t want to lose their money and property for the sake of building a “world free of exploitation”. It's impossible the same way I will stop drink Vod… which is another big peer-reviewed topic to discuss.

            I think that many millennials sympathize with these ideas because they proclaimed social equality. Thus, BLM, feminists, LGBTQ, and other organizations adopted Marxist ideas in their fight – or rather they believe they are fighting – against racism and other forms of oppression. This is certainly great, but consequences of these protests, like material damage worth millions of dollars, street anarchy, reversed racism, and aggressive rhetoric towards white people (yes, it does exist) once again confirms that leftist populism still dominates over real Marxist ideas that aimed to destroy oppression of any kind. Unfortunately, part of the American youth perceives and practices these ideas in a very superficial, one-sided, and distorted way.

            Neither Karl Marx who was concerned about social inequality and nor Martin Luther King who was fighting against racism and racial prejudices would hardly accept the modern manifestation of the ideas they believed in.

             Let me quickly speak about the manifestation of socialism. You’d be surprised, but the USSR, People’s Republic of China, Vietnam, Romania, and even Scandinavian countries that shared a lot of socialism traits had and have different views of socialism. I won’t go into details about these distinctions (there is a big number of books about it) but sometimes these approaches turned socialist states into foes. For example, China and USSR had a hostile relationship (so-called Sino-Soviet split) at the end of the 1950s. Modern China is a half-capitalist country and Scandinavian socialism is paired with a free market.

So, who is the real commie here?

            Even USSR didn’t have “clear” socialism but rather had government capitalism. However, and despite Western Anti-Soviet propaganda USSR had a lot of benefits of socialism. For instance, the Soviet government gave its citizens free flats, free cars (though it took a lot of time to get it), free education, and medicine both of whom were considered one of the best in the world. USSR may not have product variety, but Soviet people didn’t bother themselves to struggle to find a job after graduation – a big issue millions of American millennials must deal with to some level. 

            Indeed, if we take growing national debt, expensive rents, employment problems, and the increasing gap between rich and poor in America we can see that capitalism is not great. However, American citizens of all generations and races remain a consumer society that won’t turn this country into the Socialist States of America.

            Takie dela.

Working in Supermarket

Everything You Wanted to Know About How It's Like Working in Supermarket

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How it’s like working in a supermarket? I would tell you this.

Supermarkets are noisy as hell or polniy pizdets!

Every time I go there to perform my cashier’s duties, I must interact with my colleagues and customers that make me hear miscellaneous stuff all the time.

 Interaction with colleagues is quite boring. It rarely goes beyond greetings and job-related questions. We are all busy or because we are simply afraid to get in trouble for discussing that some customers are nice while others are not (and sometimes they are complete douchebags) depending on what attitude they demonstrate. We rarely do it. But if we may look indifferent or rather look kind and indifferent at the same time to what we hear there is always a place for the impression a customer left. Especially in such an overcrowded and noisy environment.

Supermarkets remind jungles. The only difference is that the monkey’s screams and lions’ growls and other sounds are made by humans. They range from regular greetings and partings to complaints, jokes, small talks between me, them, and with someone, they speak on the phone.

One time a girl came to pick up a pack of napkins. The pack was damaged, and she knew it because before coming she called our store and spoke with the manager who agreed to give her a discount. Good deal, right? But when she saw the item (it looked slightly battered but not damaged) my ears had no choice but to embrace her angry remarks. “It’s horrible!” and “what’s wrong with that store?!” which was so loud it had muffled the background music, so I agreed with her. It’s so wrong we have so quite dynamics.  

Another loud moment happened when one old lady yelled “I want to complain! What’s your name?” at me because for a moment (like 5 seconds) I approached another customer to ring him up quickly since he had one item. She then screamed the classic “Jesus Christ!” to what I replied that my name is not Jesus Christ but Tom and that she can speak with a manager if she is upset. Fortunately, she quickly left the store feeling embarrassed about how other customers looked at her.

Supermarkets can be dangerous.

A guy started a verbal fight over a pack of chips he thought I charged him extra. I really did but voided it right away and notified him. The receipt showed the void item which confused and pissed him off. “You charged me extra! Or you can’t read?” he yelled. “Don’t talk to me like that,” after what he asked when I finish my shift. Excuse me? I will (fire you with my Kalashnikov I wanted to say) call cops. “What? No justice! No peace! Persecute the police!” I wish he could say waving his arms because I would laugh my ass off from this. Gladly, I settled the situation. He got he was confused and quickly left the store (for some reason he didn’t want to see the manager). I didn’t let him mock me and stood for what’s right (yet I don’t mind admitting I am wrong when I am wrong). It’ll over, but that evening I must confess I was afraid to go outside. You never know what people are up to when they lose their temper.

So, you got the idea of what it’s like working in a supermarket.

How can you stay positive after this? Sometimes we get good words that make us have a sincere, not corporate smile.

Venus is officially Russian Planet!

Following Crimea, Venus is now a new part of Russia

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Hello Comrades!

We’ve got two news for you: good and bad. What news do you want to hear first? Since we all like to hear the good news first, here is the bad news: scientists found a phosphine gas on Venus which is a potential sign of the possible life on this planet; so Aliens do exists, they kidnapped Elvis Presley, killed Kennedy, ruined ABBA, created a pizza with pineapples and now they will conquer the world.

The good news is that Venus is a Russian planet!

Aliens won’t conquer and colonize us because if they even would like to try, they will go to Venus GULAG! Vladimir (yes, the one you think about) is already thinking about building a whole Communist colony there. He wants to do this right away before America would invade Venus to overthrown the aliens’ government for the lack of democracy and suppressing alien minorities. Nyet, America! Venus is already red – maybe because it’s the sexiest oh sorry I mean the hottest planet in our solar system – and it won’t tolerate any capitalism over there! Capitalism is too unstable it would melt when settling down there!

But putting jokes aside, there is a reason why Venus is called the Russian planet. Back in the days, when grass was greener and people could find jobs, and when USSR hasn’t collapsed yet Venus was considered a ‘Soviet planet’ because Soviet Union invested in research of this planet the most (whereas NASA focused it research on Mars). Since the Russian Federation is the full and official assignee of USSR the Venus is a Russian planet!

There is one issue with Venus: it doesn’t sound Russian enough. So it’s not Venus but Venislav!




RGB’s passing last week has sparked a surge in social media posts—focusing on the shortage of females in high positions.

Katie Hill, a Millennial former congresswoman, has set up her own PAC to advance women.

In an article from Bustle titled: Katie Hill: “Why Voting for Women?Because They’re Women!”, by Anita Hill.

Hill’s recently launched PAC—called HER Time—is looking for people up and down the ballot who have a great deal of potential [but] who might not have been picked up by other big groups because their races are tougher.

On the surface, HER Time seems GREAT, but after checking out the site, it ONLY highlights Democratic/Progressive Women. So—call a Spade a Spade!

If you want Gender Equality, then you must take in ALL Woman Candidates that are being overlooked.

Do you think Katie Hill should have stepped down due to a leaking of explicit photos of her and another woman that was part of a consensual love triangle within her marriage?

Anyway, it’s interesting to see Katie Hill come back into Politics after stepping down due to explicit photos. However, if she wants real woman equality, she should have fought and stayed in congress!


Wildfire Conspiracy

Michael Clark

Michael Clark

Who would know that firefighters literally fight the fire while also fighting against conspiracy theories on Tik Tok?

In an article from BUZZFEED titled New TikTok Viral: Firefighter Debunks Wildfire by David Mack.

Hawaii firefighter Michael Clark is winning fans' hearts—thanks to his viral TikTok debunk videos about the West Coast wildfires.

Now there are a lot of fires going on right now in our country, Haha. No. Probably not the only thing besides Corona and the election is fires that they're talking about, yeah? Fires know when to stop at the border. 'cause there's a US database map you're looking at. Not going to be reporting Canada fires. Look up Canada though. Other fire started, except for this one that. Campfires, lightning strikes. Not very newsworthy. However, I have something to show you that hasn't been debunked or even probably is the reason why is because I don't think a lot of people have this now. What you're looking at are all half-burned trees, about 40 miles from Grand Canyon National Park. My screenshot. Based to work there. Wait, it gets weirder, but if this was just regular fire, why were thereby it? That's literally not there. I've worked there. It even looks edited come.

But what about to see reckless behavior of Tik Tok stars and even JOE ROGAN spreading conspiracy theories?

Last weekend, Tik Tok star Cristy Mist with 2.6 million MORONS (I mean followers) had also posted a photo of Clark to her Instagram story accompanied by lyrics to the song "Famous" by Kanye West that read, "I made that bitch famous."On Friday, influential podcast host Joe Rogan even apologized for telling listeners the media was not reporting that "left-wing people" were being arrested for lighting the fires.

Donald Trump threatened to withhold emergency funding from California because the state had ignored his "raking" theory of forest management to prevent wildfires.

Michael Clark told BuzzFeed News. "2020 is already a crazy enough place. I just don't think now is the time to be spreading misinformation."




As Uber and Lyft continue to battle with regulators over the employment status of drivers—they're going directly to California voters to keep front-line workers classified as independent contractors.

In an article from Quartz titled: UBER AND LYFT BALLOT TO BE THE MOST EXPENSIVE IN CALIFORNIA by Michelle Cheng.

Gig companies Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, and Instacart have together spent $170 million to back Proposition 22.

A “yes” on Prop 22 would preserve drivers’ independent status—while making them eligible for limited healthcare subsidies and accident insurance—as well as some modified benefits.

If Uber and Lyft were to reclassify drivers as employees, it could raise labor costs for them by 20% to 30%, according to various estimates.

Uber has said the price of rides would go up, and that the shift in employment classification could reduce its fleet of drivers.

So, the “RUB” IS—Keeping drivers classified as independent contractors allow ride-hailing and delivery companies to avoid paying benefits that are guaranteed to employees.




If you were on the fence about attending a university during COVID, well you might want to decide to sit this year out!

In an article from The Washington Post titled: Coronavirus Curfew: Northeastern University dismisses 11 students who gathered in hotel room by Derek Hawkins and Marisa Lati.

Northeastern University didn’t JUST suspend the FRESHMAN exchange students, but they also are trying to keep the students $36,500 Fall semester tuition! All because they were caught hanging out together.

This is ruling is draconian and PLAIN OUTRAGEOUS!

Especially since 18-year olds haven’t even fully developed their prefrontal cortex! That is the part of the brain that warns you that your actions have consequences.




What is happening to the Academy Awards – HAS it become as meaningless as the Grammys?!

In an article from VOX titled: HOW TO GET OSCAR: NEW RULES FOR BEST PICTURE NOMINEES, EXPLAINED by Alissa Wilkinson – worth noting – our CCS Contributor.

On September 8th, the Academy announced a set of new eligibility guidelines for films aiming to compete for Best Picture—considered the top prize at the Oscars.

There are four categories of inclusion standards which is very detailed, so I’ll only be focusing on Group A and Group B.

Group A deals with the stories or characters on the actual screen. In this category, movies must have one of the following:

At least one “lead or significant supporting actor” from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group.

Or ... At least 30 percent of a cast in secondary and minor roles from two underrepresented identity groups.

Or ... A main storyline or subject that centers on an underrepresented identity group.

Group B standards regard the creative and production team behind the film. To meet these standards, a film must meet one of the following criteria:

At least two heads of major departments must be from an underrepresented identity group. Additionally, a minimum of one of these must be from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group. Or ...

At least six people on the crew (excluding production assistants, generally the entry-level position on set) are from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group. Or ...

At least 30 percent of the crew are from an underrepresented identity group.

Customer Is Always Right Even Being Total Jerk!

Customer Is Always Right Even Being Total Jerk!

TOM THE COMMIE - CCS Editor-At-Large

TOM THE COMMIE - CCS Editor-At-Large

Greetings to comrades and pity to capitalists!

This is Vladimir Put… Tom the Commie, and today I am going to share my experience working in customer service.

When I turned 14, a desire to get LEGO GULAG set prompted me to start making my own money by any means (it’s LEGO, after all).

What I’ve found? After applying for the CEO of Amazon, Russia’s President, and USSR military leader to conquer America, and getting rejections with notes such as “F*ck you, little communist sh*t” I found a job of an ad poster.

I had to visit blocks of flats (we call them Khrushchyovka) and post ads on electric panels. Though I worked only one month, and Vladimir (not the one you thought about) didn’t want to pay (he eventually did after I gave him a bribe of 100 000 rubles) I got some understanding of what job is.

I’ll tell you this, guys: job sucks.

It sucks your energy and your time that you can dedicate to serious things like playing computer games, smoking weed every day, drink vodka and laughing at people that pass you by heading on the job because you inhabit the streets where you live in the free 0-star hotel called “Empty TV Box”.

That has changed my mind. I thought that job isn’t so bad as I thought before.

When I finished high school and emigrated to the US for ‘undermining purposes” for the next 6 years I have been working in more than 10 places. Here are some of them.

I used to work in Pizzeria, where, with the help of ingredients, I created portraits of Lenin and Stalin; I worked in Mexican Food Cafeteria where I became extremely fluent in Spanish by learning the word “Hola”; I used to sell Christmas Trees, got good tips, but has been let go because I started to like a song “Sweet Home Alabama”.

Now I am working as a cashier in a supermarket. Why cashier? Because I am good at counting and putting money into my pock… I mean… I am a nice worker, just believe it.

But putting jokes aside, I benefited from my clerk’s experience. I learned consumer behavior and human character and how it’s like working as a team; I strengthened my diplomatic skills and became more patient with people. And I got the idea, what people are. They are Putin’s slaves neither good and nor bad. Just creatures, obsessed with consumerism and 50%-off discounts, who can be stingily or generous with compliments depending on what temper they have today. Yet the majority of customers are nice people.

But dealing with crazy customers… is another thing.

Whatever sh*t they do and tell you must be nice with them because a customer is always right.

The customer is mad because he hates Corona Extra (I don’t give a f*ck about) and we don’t have it? He is right!

The customer didn’t want to take a survey even it doesn’t collect her data (and other stupid s*it they believe in)? She is right (and not very smart)!

The customer doesn’t have a receipt and still demands a full refund? Oh, she’s right too (with the inability to understand company policy)!

Another time there was an old lady with dozens of products I had to scan. Behind her was a millennial (they are the best customers because they understand!) with single beer wasting his time in the line. I told this kid to approach other registers to ring him up (I do that a lot, and it's fine). That was fast (took probably 30 seconds while the lady was busy putting her discount number on a pin pad). And you what? She got mad! I said I just wanted to help him because she was busy anyway. She didn’t listen and I asked her whether she wants to complain, and she replied with a loud ‘yes’ to my face!

“I wanna complain. What’s your name?”

“Jesus. Jesus Christ.”

“Ok, and you will have problems, you Jesus Christ!”

“Are you going to make complain about Jesus Christ? Are you sure? I’ll tell this to Vladimir, and you will regret it!”

“Wait… who’s Vladimir? He’s god?”

“Oh yes! He is a god! God for Russia and Devil for America! Bow down to the Majesty of Russian Supreme Leader, confess your sins and maybe he will forgive you!”

“Oh please, please don’t wipe me out Holy Vladimir, I will never be impolite to Jesus Christ cashier again! That’s good for now?”

“Not as much. Say “America is bad”.”

“America is bad.”

“I can’t hear you!”

“America is bad!”



“How bad is it? Is it dirty?”

“It’s dirty as my husband’s trousers! Am I forgiven?”

“Hmmm… well, ok! You are forgiven. You can pay now. To Vladimir, I mean!”

This is how I wanted it to happen! So, I just called my manager to explain the situation and that was it. She left believing she’s right – just like other customers like her.

But why?

Customer Is Always Right Even Being Total Jerk!




A close examination of detailed age data released by the Census Bureau last month reveals a startling fact: More than half of the nation’s total population are now members of the millennial generation or younger.

The data shows that the combined millennial, Gen Z, and younger generations numbered 166 million as of July 2019—OR 50.7% of the nation’s population.

Surveys undertaken even before these recent developments show that Millennials and Gen Z differ from older generations on issues such as immigration reform, criminal justice, environmental protection, the role of government, and the importance of diversity.

The question remains: Can the new activism among Millennials and Gen Z translate into the political support necessary to elect progressive and Democratic candidates in November?

If you don’t know these two generations now comprise a greater share of the eligible VOTING population by nearly 37%.

It’s about the same share of eligible voters as baby boomers and their elders—generations that voted for Trump in 2016 and for Republican candidates against President Obama.


SEX EDUCATION 101 Professor Vladimir Trump

Sex Education 101 Professor Vladimir Trump

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Zdorova bratva

It’s been almost four months since the quarantine started, and people still wonder: “What the f*ck is going on?”. And it’s a pizdetz suka blyat!

While there are tones of answers to that question, both subjective, objective, biased, unbiased, and other nobody-give-sh*t responses, other important questions come up.

Before I’ll put this, excuse my language by using words related to sex. For many people it’s an uncomfortable topic. Since I respect the feelings of my audience, and since I am very polite and politically correct person, I’ll ask this straight:

How to f*ck during f*cking quarantine? And what the f*ck is going f*ucking on with f*cking how to do f*cking f*ck?

See, how I didn’t use the s-word? Because I can relate to you (konechno net) feelings. By the way, the * hides the letter ‘u’. It’s for the kids, who study the alphabet.

In other words, I am a pure, communist angel as Stalin called me.

But let me put the jokes aside. How to do thiS during quarantine? Well, here is an option.

If you want to be with women, men, gays, lesbians, transgenders, feminists, black-lives-matter activists, aliens, republicans, democrats, Bill Cosby, etc. you need to invite whoever he or she is to the party.

‘That’s impossible!’, you may ask.

Since it’s not math, it’s easy. To make this possible, you need to ask people to bring respirators, chips, and vodkas (especially this). Also, people need to bring themselves because otherwise, you would do this on your own.

You got what I mean?

People get clicked, and after drinking one gallon of vodka, they are ready for thiS. See? I don’t use s-word, because I respect you. Anyway, we speak about f*cking f*ck, da?

People can hug and touch each other since respirators don’t allow you to be face-to-face (which is a good thing, cause you or these party people can be very ugly or be the Republican party supporters).

That’s my advice to you, comrades. And one more thing. Before doing thiS (by what I mean f*cking f*ck) be sure that you have a partner that fits into your orientation. Because otherwise it would be… em… f*cked up.  

That’s all, my good and sexy tovarischi. And if you don’t have any friends, or a partner, you are not desperate! While reading my blog, you would feel as you are doing this (which is f*cking). It doesn’t work, at least you can imagine this and drink vodkas.


Boomernomics: With Great Power Comes Zero Accountability

Boomernomics: With Great Power Comes Zero Accountability


During these unfortunate events – Millennials are trying to stay active at home playing videos game while Baby Boomers use their pastime to knit masks. 

In an article from Business Insider titled: The Coronavirus Has Intensified The Generational Divide Between Millennials And Boomers. Here Are 5 Ways They're Dealing With The Pandemic Differently by Hiliary Hoffower. 

From staying inside or not—to making memes—to hoarding toilet paper! Every generation is handling their anxiety differently.  

And when it comes to MONEY! —Millennials are becoming wishful thinkers assuming that their stimulus check will become their new savings to help ease their mental stress. 

In the U.S – Millennials are noted as having $1000 to their name and have about $200 in their bank account. 

With no stimulus check to assist with the cost of food, living—and relief of student debt – the last thing Millennials are thinking about is applying for health care

Unfortunately – many millennials found out last week that their role as a ‘dependent’ on their parent’s taxes excludes them from receiving a stimulus check. 

During this week in the media – the HILL.TV hosts Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti laughed off a slow week of reporting as if Millennials are RECYCLED NEWS

And presidential candidate Joe Biden’s message for Millennials are: “Give me a break, I have no empathy!”

That’s BOOMERNOMICS in a nutshell!

I can’t even apply for Unemployment because I’m working as a GA grading students’ papers during the pandemic -- I'm making LESS each month than what the UI would provide me.

GAME OVER! I guess that I’m too entitled.