Shitshow of Political Influencers Is Only Getting Murkier


Get your popcorn and tea ready! The shitshow of political Influencers is only getting stinker.

In an article from Buzzfeed, “Instagram Influencer Marketing Is Already A Nightmare. Political Ads Will Make It A Shitshow” by Katie Notopoulos.  

Notopoulos states that, “Facebook’s political advertising policies – which fall into a gray area of federal regulations - have already come under intense scrutiny…But allowing political candidates to use influencer marketing on Instagram requires a lot of trust – that is how the influencer marketing works – and that system has always been completely broken.” 

So, if you thought that you had a hard time figuring out what was Fake News or real news...guess what?  

It’s only going to get murkier and murkier.  

How can you regulate a broken system?  

Notopoulos writes, “Enforcement has been pretty hands-off. Over the years, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has taken action against brands and advertising agencies - but never individuals outing up posts.”  

I don’t see how the FTC can regulate individual posts because this would be an infringement on our 1st amendment rights of free speech and any regulation on that will open up a can of worms.  

Do you think more politicians are going to jump on the Influencer promotion wagon like Bloomberg has? And if so – do you think the FTC will try to regulate?