Mystic Marissa 🔮💫 is here to help you plan your  WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL SOCIAL CALENDAR for:  March 20th 2022 – March 26th 2022

Happy AIRES SEASON! It’s Spring Equinox and the Sun has moved into Aires (The first Zodiac Sign in the Calendar). Be ready to set FIRE to your long-awaited desires!

Sunday, March 20th: Not only is it Spring Equinox but it is also the first day of Aries Season! Be prepared for a high energy month ahead. You will be seeing an influx of requests in your DM’s if single and if you're in a relationship, your nights are about to get a whole lot hotter with Aires insatiable appetite for all things sexy and new.

The moon will be transiting through Scorpio today where it will eventually square off with Mars-Venus in Aquarius. This is the calm before the storm so get prepared for some unavoidable conflicts when they meet.

Tuesday, March 22nd: Today is the day of the showdown between the moon in Scorpio and Mars-Venus in Aquarius which is making a direct opposition to Uranus! Yikes, it's like walking into a room full of your Ex’s with your new Beau and they all happen to be friends. What that means: there are necessary changes and transformations on the horizon you'll no longer be able to avoid. This is especially true when considering Mars's square to erratic Uranus; this explosive transit is just as rebellious as it is volatile. So, take the high road and don’t stoop to their level. ALOT of Breath work will be needed to get through these next few days.

Wednesday, March 23rd: The Moon shifts into Sagittarius (another fire sign) allowing some of the tension to shift. The dust is starting to settle and while you can’t go back on anything you said or did, you can forge ahead with purer and clearer intentions. We all knew the Moon in Scorpio was going to bring fire and brimstone. Just like the Pheonix, out of the ashes something more spectacular will emerge.

Thursday March 24th: Mercury will meet with the Nodes of Destiny today. Expect a message from someone who can bring you closer to the life you want. You should get a clear answer by this weekend on what direction to go.

Saturday, March 26th: Mercury makes a harmonious sextile to Pluto, who is like the last page of a book in a trilogy. Pluto closes one chapter and sets you up for a new (and long awaited) adventure. Whether it's regarding an important contract or a long-overdue conversation, one thing's for sure: the answers you've been seeking are finally coming to light. Since Mercury just came out of Pisces intuitive dream cycle, you already know the answer you will get.

Aires Season is about to get explosive, so buckle up, prepare for the worst, and hope for the best, cause it's going to be a bumpy (yet necessary) ride. Remember May Flowers come after April Showers.