Mystic Marissa 🔮💫 is here to help you plan your  WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL SOCIAL CALENDAR for:  March 7th 2022 – March 13th 2022

This week you will find yourself being pulled into drama by those around you. Don’t get caught up in the BS! There is a ton of trivial squabbles that are springing up around you, so take the highroad this week and tune out the naysayers. Bust out the sage and crystals and keep your sanctuary clear of the negativity.

Wednesday, March 9th: Mercury enters Pisces, joining the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune.
For the next three weeks, be on the lookout for the subtext in conversations. What is NOT being said is where the truth of a matter lies. Don’t be fooled by outward appearances, if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Dial down the overthinking and get in touch with your emotions. Trust your GUT aka INTUITION and go with the FLOW. Focus on your creative side and you will be shocked at the breakthrough insights you will have.
Thursday, March 10th: The first quarter moon in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius. Use the energy from this quarter moon to think outside the box on a problem that has been holding you back. You know the obstacles you are facing and there is a way through if you are creative about how to approach the matter. Use Gemini's social side to hit up some close confidantes to help you find a solution.

Use the downtime this week to finish any last-minute closet cleaning and get your paperwork in order. De-Clutter so you can think Clearly! Remember to listen more than you talk and allow your creative side to bloom! A resolution to a problem is around the corner and it will show itself when you are ready. DON’T stress and overthink the situation, connect with your close friends and go with the FLOW!