Mystic Marissa 🔮💫 is here to help you plan your  WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL SOCIAL CALENDAR for:  February 28th – March 6th 2022

The world has seen a lot of turmoil these last few days. Many of us are trying to find the rhyme and reason in the events involving Ukraine and Russia. Uncertainty is in the air and taking the time to turn away from the news for a few hours during the day to center and realign yourself, is a must!

Wednesday, March 2nd: New Moon in Pisces, today’s new moon is all about planting that seed of what you have been manifesting these past few New Moons. Drop a “seed” of introduction or hint to the person who can help make your dreams a reality. It will be well received! But make sure you are planting in the direction your intuition has been steering you towards. LISTEN to it or you will not be happy with the “crop” that you are left with later in the year. Luckily, this New Moon in Pisces will help unveil who and where your “seed” needs to be planted to set your dreams in motion.

This lunation is also activating a super-sweet connection between Jupiter and Uranus, making this a fabulous time to take a risk. This Jupiter-Uranus sextile is RARE and you will not see it again until 2026! Luck happens when opportunity meets preparation, so do not waste this auspicious moment. The New Moon vibe will last throughout the week so keep an eye out for your opportunity!

Thursday, March 3rd: Mars and Venus get coordinated with power-thirsty Pluto in unstoppable Capricorn! This combination can make us try to cut corners or step on people to get what we want. DO NOT fall into this power dynamic! It is just Pluto seeing how far you will go to get your desires, and this planet does not care who gets burned in the process. It is important to be proactive, assertive, and "take charge," yes, but do not compromise your ethics. With power and charisma at peak levels, pour your genuine best into the project that will advance your career and you will see transformational results.

Saturday, March 5th: This lunation also precedes what is known as the luckiest day of the year, as the Sun meets Jupiter, the biggest planet in our solar system. Jupiter is entrenched in Pisces which is its home sign. So be bold, take risks, but do not forget to fight Pluto's tendency to “burn it all down” just to see what happens. Jupiter will deliver whatever result you pour your energy into. I like to think of it as Karma’s Cheerleading squad. Direct your energy toward the positive and proactive as negative thought spirals can plummet you into a state of despair, and it will be hard to pull yourself out. Remember, you Reep what you Sow.

Sunday, March 6th: Venus and Mars move into Aquarius. This is a GREAT day for LOVE! This is their second of two exact conjunctions in 2022, it has been years since they shared a moment like this in the Water Bearer's realm. These love birds are ramping up their energy and platonic friends could end up in your bed tonight! Only move this friendship into the lover zone if you both are open about what you want. If it is just a fling, make sure you both are ok with that as you could lose a friend over your libido urges. If you have a S/O: get a babysitter, clear the Calander, and make the most of Sunday night with each other. This period can spark honest dialogue about the way you envision a happy union.

Use this week to stay focused, open, and honest with what you genuinely want in life. These next few months will shape the next few years for you. So do not waste it on frivolous or trivial matters. Keep your feet on the ground, your head in the clouds, and your heart full of compassion and empathy for those around you.