WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL SOCIAL CALENDAR for: December 12th 2022 to December 18th 2022 


Easy breezy week ahead with the Planets. So just relax this week and keep planning for 2023.

Christmas parties have started so try not to overwhelm yourself with trying to be everywhere at once. Overall, it is a week with positive vibrations. 


Monday, December 12th: The Sagittarius sun harmonizes with Saturn in Aquarius on the bringing structure to our lives.

This is a wonderful day to get your New Year's Resolution List ready and clean up any last-minute clutter around the house.  


Wednesday, December 14th: Dreamy Neptune ignites the sun with the opposite energy making us feel lethargic and unmotivated.

Its def a day for Netflix and Chill before the busy weekend ahead. 


Friday, December 16th: The quarter moon in Virgo helps us find compassion for those around us.

Seeing the situation from another's point of view will really help smooth out any tensions.  Even in relationships that ARE working, these balancing acts will reveal a clear line between caring and codependence. This quarter moon helps us to set better limits keeping us from overextending and burning out.  


Saturday, December 17th: An unconventional alliance between Mercury and Uranus in Taurus shows us new ways to attain our goals.

Be on the lookout for some outside inspiration from someone with Mercury influencing conversations. This is especially great with Holiday parties and all the mingling that comes with it.  


This is the last week that Jupiter is in Pisces this last week your spiritual, creative, and romantic abilities are amplified.

That is why it’s crucial to turn within and truly assess what you wish to manifest. Use this week to call out to the universe what you desire and start to turn your plans into action. Jupiter will not return for over a decade!