Mystic Marissa 🔮💫 is here to help you plan your  WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL SOCIAL CALENDAR for: November 7th 2022 to November 13th 2022 


The Midterm Election is this Tuesday, and the planets are not aligned favorably for an effortless process.

Starting on Sunday’s (6th), Mercury, the planet of communication is very active and aligns with the South Node of Destiny in Scorpio. Creating miscommunications and anxieties and we are seeing this on all of our social and news feeds. Triple check all sources and research all candidates and propositions BEFORE casting that ballot! 


Monday, November 7th: Venus, who is extra passionate in Scorpio, cools down when austere Saturn clashes today.

If you’ve been charging full steam ahead in your love life, tap the brakes. Just because you are in a relationship with someone doesn't mean they are going to see eye to eye with you; especially when it comes to politics.  You can agree to disagree, but if it’s a viewpoint that is a make or break, at least you are getting fair warning before taking the relationship deeper. Use civil discourse today as Venus in Scorpio tends to use venomous words when angered. Turn on Saturn’s quality-control filters and adult your way through the conflict, avoiding any slings or stings. 


Tuesday, November 8th: The last eclipse of 2022 is here bringing a total blood moon lunar eclipse in Taurus that will shake up our lives forever.

Tuesday’s full moon in fiscal and security-seeking Taurus brings epic opportunities to shift (and increase!) the way you save, spend and earn. This is a great day to do away with a bad habit and start fresh! 


Eclipses are known for revealing and concealing and with it falling on an already contentious Midterm election, prepare for this eclipse to reveal secrets and scandals about everything from candidates to voting rights interference.

Another challenging aspect today is the eclipse will be in close connection to radical Uranus, the planetary agent of chaos. Hopefully, we will not see a repeat of the January 6th chaos. No matter where the final tally falls, expect to see a strong political movement in response. 


Thursday, November 10th: Mercury and Saturn square off urging us to speak our minds.

But not just to anyone! Venus and Neptune retrograde link up bringing tenderness and empathy to repairing (and building) our relationships from the tensions created earlier in the week. 


Friday, November 11th: A battle of the egos could burst out Friday when the strong-willed Sun in Scorpio clashes with authoritarian Saturn in Aquarius.

Don’t get pulled into any social media quibbles, and if you find yourself arguing with a co-worker or family member on political ideologies, you are best walking away then trying to change the point of view of someone who will not be open to discourse and discussion.  


Saturday, November 12th: Mercury and Neptune retrograde in Pisces harmonize the weekend adding sentimentality and sweetness to our lives.

Get away this weekend and realign yourself spiritually. Whether it is a getaway to mother nature, or visiting your religious/spiritual haven, this is a weekend that demands you surround yourself with love and peacefulness. The Holidays (and Elections) are always hectic, so take what rest and respite you can so that you are fully charged for the difficulties that come with them. 


Overall, the week ahead isn’t for the faint of heart. Reach out to others if you’re having a hard time and call those who are hanging on lightly.

Empathy is important in times like these. Remember, the beautiful thing about democracy is that we all don’t have to agree but we do all have to learn how to discourse in a way that is productive and healthy!