Mystic Marissa 🔮💫 is here to help you plan your  WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL SOCIAL CALENDAR for: October 31st 2022 to November 6th 2022 

Feel like crying? Screaming? Or just burying your head under the covers till 2023 comes round? You can blame it on Mars final 2022 retrograde that started on Sunday.

The theme this retrograde is anger, so bust out the sage and mediation cushion, ‘cause you are going to need a lot of patience and deep breathing to finish off the year in high spirits.  


Monday, October 31st: It’s All Hallows Eve and you KNOW that Scorpio Season relishes in SEXY, SCARY, and SPECTACULAR Costumes.

The moon is in Aquarius so lean into your quirky and creative side. Don’t just slap something together at the last minute, take the time to feel good in your costume choice. Remember, it's not about how much you spend, but how you FEEL in it that counts!  


Tuesday, November 1st: The Moon hits its quarter moon phase in the early hours of the morning.

Nestled between two eclipses—the October 25 Scorpio solar eclipse and the November 8 Taurus lunar eclipse – this quarter moon will bring a moment of clarity and profound epiphanies. Remember, it is never too late to change your path. Just because something new might seem daunting, does not mean you cannot achieve it. Great rewards require greater risks. 


Wednesday, November 2nd: Venus in Scorpio connects with the South Node of Destiny on urging us to connect and give our all to relationships.

Just be mindful if the feeling is reciprocated by your partner. It takes two to make a relationship work.  


Saturday, November 5th: Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus.

Strong emotions might erupt like molten lava under this explosive and unpredictable face-off. Try not to interact with someone whose behavior keeps triggering you. If you suddenly feel like ditching your current relationship because of feelings of being smothered, hold tight on making a decision you might come to regret. You can get breathing room and still be in a committed relationship if you utilize communication.  


Trials and Tribulations are part of Lifes journey.

You can find the silver-lining in a dark situation if you listen to your heart and trust your intuition. Remember to breathe deep, meditate and don’t make a rash decision on intimate relationships this weekend. Let the emotions boil over and simmer before moving ahead.