Mystic Marissa 🔮💫 is here to help you plan your WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL SOCIAL CALENDAR for: December 6th - December 12th 2021

You made it past the SOLAR ECLIPSE 😎and the New MOON 🌑 so go ahead and take a huge sigh of relief 😮‍💨 and put down the tissue box 🤧

Now is the time to make amends ❤️‍🩹 if you were in the wrong and you let your fiery temper 🤬 take center stage 🎭

If you were on the receiving end of someone else’s bad trip 👎 now is the time to decide if it was a one off and forgiveness is warranted👭


Is that toxicity a recurring pattern with that individual? 🥊 If so, get out those scissors ✂️ and CUT THE CORD! 🙃 Blocking people can feel oh so good when its needed! 🥳

Remember, the New Moon 🌚 shined a light on the people and things you need to junk 🗑 BEFORE the New Year 🎉🎊rolls around.

We know this weekend was full of emotions and chaos! But with every Storm ⛈
there is a reprieve 🌈
At least until.......

December 13: Action 🤺planet Mars ☄️enters fiery 🔥Sagittarius ♐️and chatty☕️ Mercury moves into practical Capricorn ♑️

You will need to tune in next Friday when #MysticMarissa 🔮💫 revels the importance of those astrological movements!