Episode 908: Actor/Playwright Catherine Barnes, Band Punk Rock Factory

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Episode 908: Actor/Playwright Catherine Barnes, Band Punk Rock Factory

Maybe means NO? No means maybe YES? Maybe means MAYBE? Chris still isn’t sure.  Actress/Playwright Catherine Barnes joins JUST TALKING to share her insight on consent and why we all suck at it. Yes? No? Maybe So? is part musical with a mix of inner social justice warrior jazz hands—AND a strong millennial message—“No one gets to grab my boobs if I don’t give consent!”  Millennial dating is hard and confusing.  Catherine practices LOVE ISLANDnegging” on Chris.  While Marissa opens a maybe surprise just to get a “dick in the face?” Visit Catherine’s website at www.queenmabmusic.com

Let’s live in a world where your favorite classic cartoons and TV shows are covered by a Punk Rock band.  UK TikTok sensation Punk Rock Factory joins STRIKE A CHORD—AND has already done it!  Their new album Masters of the Uniwurst takes on 21 classic theme songs including: Cars—Life is a Highway, Power Rangers, The Flintstones, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pokemon and many more.  It’s trippy when you hear the opening theme song to the 90’s TV show Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as a punk metal, drum smashing, head banger! Go! Go! Power Rangers! Pick up the latest Punk Rock Factory album and merch at https://punkrockfactory.com