Spring Break

Millennials – Social Distance & Chill! 

Millennials – Social Distance & Chill! 


Hey Millennials! We FINALLY made it on the news. 

The Avocado Toast generation in large numbers last weekend refused to let the COVID-19 pandemic ruin our Spring Break. 

A high school graduate and Soundcloud rapper Brady Sluder from Milford, Ohio received national coverage from the media for his defiance to let ‘social distancing’ ruin his fiesta ignoring guidelines designed to stop the spread of the coronavirus. 

Sluder appeared in a viral video from CBS News filmed on a packed beach in Miami saying: 

If I get corona, I get corona. At the end of the day, I'm not going to let it stop me from partying. We've been waiting for Miami spring break for a while. We're just out here having a good time. Whatever happens, happens. 

Millennials may feel invisible because the coronavirus doesn’t affect the youth in large numbers like older generations – BUT – the economy could crash leading many of us living at home with our parents. 

Bad Omens vocalist Noah Sebastian perfectly tweeted a response to the youth with the following: 

You guys know how some of the hard headed boomers don’t take climate change seriously and how frustrating it is for us younger generations? That’s exactly how some of you young people still ignoring instructions about containing this virus are being right now. Wise up. 

This isn’t a simulation from WestWorld – we will come back from reality after this pandemic. It takes every generation to combat the number of coronavirus cases in our country. 

It's not like Millennials don’t have endless entertainment in the palm of our hands. 

Netflix & Quarantine. PornHub & Masturbate. Social Distance & Chill. 

Don’t forget to also use sanitary wipes on your iPhone after each use!