Black Lives Matter

Dr. Anthony Fauci FLIP FLOPS Again As Arizona Hospitals Activate Emergency Plans

Dr. Anthony Fauci FLIP FLOPS Again As Arizona Hospitals Activate Emergency Plans


Do you remember not too long ago – health experts warned the American people about a second peak in Covid19?

Well now – a rise in cases has forced Arizona hospitals to activate emergency plans. 


Arizona is one of the 19 states with the trend of new coronavirus cases still increasing. 

While 22 states are trending downward—trends in nine states are holding steady. 

Nationally more than 1.9 million people have been infected by the virus and more than 112,000 have died, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Just recently — Dr. Anthony Fauci called the 2nd wave of COVID-19 his worst nightmare:

Now we have something that’s indeed turned out to be my worst nightmare. Something that’s highly transmissible in a period if you just think about it in a period of 4 months it has devastated the world and it isn’t over yet. 

LAST WEEK on the show – we informed the listeners that Dr. Anthony Fauci advocated that NOW is the time to REOPEN schools EARLY—based on “best scientific evidence.”  

That children are affected less than adults.  AND NOW – it's his worst nightmare?!  [Read our BLOG here]

When will the government and the health experts get their act together and give it to us straight?! With a unified voice! 

If you’ve participated in the BLACK LIVES MATTER protest – please do your part and get COVID-19 testing ASAP. 

What 'Defund The Police' Actually Means — BLM Co-Founder Speaks Out!

What 'Defund The Police' Actually Means — BLM Co-Founder Speaks Out!


Last weekend demonstrators protested near the White House in Washington over the death of George Floyd and walked on the words – ‘DEFUND THE POLICE’ – which were painted in bright yellow letters on 16th Street. 

Black Lives Matter – once started as a hashtag in 2013 – is NOW a multi-racial coalition advocating for systematic change in law enforcement. Alicia Garza – co-founder of Black Lives Matter talks to NBC’s Chuck Todd on MEET THE PRESS about the nationwide protests on police abuse

When we talk about ‘Defunding The Police’ – what we're saying is invest in the resources our communities need so much of anything right now is generated and directed towards the quality of life with homelessness, drug addiction, domestic order to address this issue but we need to do is increased funding for housing. We need increased funding for education. We need increased funding for quality of life of communities that are over-policed and over-surveillance.  

Millennials and BLACK LIVES MATTER advocates – I ask you:

WHY ‘Defund The Police’ when we should be investing in MORE education for law enforcement training? 

The US Bureau of Justice Statistics in a 2013 study found that, on average, police officers across the country receive less than six months of basic training, slightly more than the 20-week average that is legislatively required.  

To put this into perspective – one college credit equals 37.5 hours of actual time.  

CCS family – Where are you at with Defunding the POLICE? 

Former Women's March leader Linda Sarsour wrote on Twitter last Sunday that "defunding police" means: 

Take cops out of schools, out of dealing with mental health crises, out of addressing homelessness, etc. Then when you do, you take the resources and put them towards social workers, mental health services, housing, etc. 

White On White Crime: Don’t Let George Floyd’s Murder Become Whitewashed

White On White Crime: Don’t Let George Floyd’s Murder Become Whitewashed


My heart is heavy with the senseless murder of George Floyd. 

This last week I have seen many friends and family cry out and condemn police brutality and the injustices that Black people face in our society. 

However, amongst this solidarity I have witnessed an influx on social media of “virtue signaling.”  

In an article from The Washington Post titled: White people are speaking up at protests. How do we know they mean what they say? by Stacey Patton.  

She states:

Are white people protesting because they are in honest solidarity — or because it helps to soothe their own conscience or assuage their guilt? 

For many White Millennial’s it may feel as though we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t.  BUT that IS NOT THE CASE!  

Patton states further: 

This movement has got to be rooted in a commitment to stop anti-black violence — not just proving individual white people are not racist

Here is how you can stay off the growing number of “virtue signaling” lists that White people are making to call out your inactivity on social media platforms.  

Ask yourself.  When was the last time you just called your Black friend to shoot the shit with?”  

Was it in the last week because you were being told by Facebook to check in on your Black friends?  YOU DON’T have to become a Performative Ally!  

And yes, posting random links and lists of anti-racist books that you have never read also falls under this category. 

Change comes when YOU expand your Immediate Circle of Friends and making sure that they are a reflection of who YOU want to be.