
Why Jack Black Should Play Mario in Upcoming Biopic!

Talent of being disgusting!

TOM THE COMMIE - Jack Black should play Mario.jpg

Hello banditos-pedrilos!

To me, Jack Black is the type of actor that perfectly fits any role in Mario Brothers. In the new BBC article, it is said that Jack Black is assigned for the role of Bowser, one of the main Mario’s foes and just one of the most iconic villains of the video games world.

What about others? Well, Mario is about to be played by Chris Pratt, who previously played in Guardians of the Galaxy; Seth Rogen would be Donkey Kong, and Anya-Taylor-Joy would be playing Peach, and Charlie Day would be Luigi.

Sounds like a good starring, right?

However, I wish Jack Black would be starred as Mario because to me Chris Pratt looks too handsome and fitty for Mario, whereas Jack Black… well I don’t want to say that something wrong with his appearance! In opposite, Jack Black looks like the real Mario.

Let’s say Chris Pratt’s Mario would say something funny and then burp… what reaction an audience would have? I think Chris Pratt might be booed for that.

So, let’s change Chris Pratt with Jack Black, and in that very moment when long, loud, and disgusting burp happened. Would booo reaction follow? Hell no, because the audience would clap for that long, loud, extremely disgusting, and yet funny, with the strong smell of 7-Eleven 5$ hot dog burp which is so Jack Black thing that it can elicit nothing but a delight! Just like America like it!

But why Jack Black can be praised for his disgusting behavior whereas Chris Pratt should not think to say “f*ck you” even to Karen?

Because some people… have the natural talent to be bad, to be good, disgusting, etc. To me, Jack Black got his niche of funny and sometimes disgusting buddy that our crazy f*cking world sometimes needs more than another handsome, strong, charming hero from every superheroes’ movie that Hollywood gives us every f*cking year.

Takie dela!