The Last Of Us

Episode 1407: HenricK The WrecK

HenricK The WrecK joins Just Talking to discuss Rage Quit a new video game podcast talk show hosted by Chris Collins and our video game contributor, HenricK The Wreck. A good game gives you chills of excitement when you play but a kick ass game can terrorize you to the core, what game terrorizes you? What’s the cruelest thing you can do to a kid gamer? Take their game system away for poor grades, time out punishment for not doing chores, how about your parents yanking the cord during a boss fight! Game rage meltdown; what game has driven you to the point smashing your controller? Hooked on gaming; a gamers first system is their true love. Henrick started his love affair with the Nintendo 64 and it’s been a match made in heaven since. When Kid Icarus shot a game pad arrow into your hands, what was your first game system love? Top 3 favorite games of all time; was it the storyline, combat and action or the challenge — kiss my ass Galaga, you cheating bastard! Can millennials all admit their first driving lesson was either Grand Theft Auto or Mario Kart. This absolutely explains Marissa’s driving style! Calling out all the future professional gamers, the Olympics will have Esports competitions in the future; so we’re just playing Wii Sports on a big ass screen in the middle of a stadium now? Can The Last Of Us tv show be enough to save the tarnished reputation of bad video game adaptations? We’re looking at you Halo tv series but TLOU is starting to go down that familiar Walking Dead rabbit hole and it’s only episode 7; for now, let’s reserve the rage spores until the last episode. Do all video games work in the cinematic universe? Bloom House and Atomic Monster are working on film adaption of the video game Dead By Daylight, a multiplayer action survival horror game where you get to play as famous iconic movie, tv, novel and video game killers like Halloween’s Michael Myers, Nightmare on Elm Street’s Freddy Kruger and Resident Evil’s Nemesis. We’re excited to see where this goes but didn’t Dark Castle Entertainment try this before, remember 13 Ghosts? Well, virtual reality doesn’t matter anyway, I’m back in the Matrix. Chat GPT Artificial Intelligence is being shoved into video games to make them emotive and impactful. Did you hear that voice over artists, an AI says you can’t voice act. Follow the rage at: HenricK The Wreck