
Mystic Marissa 🔮💫 is here to help you plan your  WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL SOCIAL CALENDAR for:  March 27th 2022 – April 2nd 2022

Aires is making itself known throughout the cosmos this week! Your rollercoaster ride from last week is continuing, with Aires out to prove it’s the hornist sign in the zodiac, (As a Scorpio this is HIGHLY contested)

Sunday, March 27th: Mercury enters Aries where the communication planet spares no one’s feelings. Bold declarations are being said and lines are being drawn in the sand. If you're not quick to navigate the changing moods, you could find yourself on the wrong end of a verbal firing squad. If you have been wanting to say something to someone, now is the time to do it. But keep in mind that truth under Aires will burn and hurt so try to use tact when baring all.

Monday, March 28th: Venus meets up with Saturn. FINALLY, you can expect your love life to be a lot easier and less dramatic. You can just enjoy your S/O ‘s company, whether you are in a casual Spring fling, or a committed relationship. From here on out, all things including LOVE, MONEY, and HEALTH are flowing with effortless ease. This new sense of freedom will leave you Euphoric and ready to soak in the Springtime festivities that are popping up everywhere.

Friday April 1st: New moon in Aries to set off April Fool’s Day. Even though today is the day of tricksters, you will want to reevaluate what your short-term goals are these next few months. If you find yourself starting to stray away from your goals, now is the time to adjust and get back on track.

A conjunction to the asteroids Chiron and Pallas in Aries speaks to old wounds. Stop carrying around baggage that is holding you back. Either FORGIVE or MOVE ON. Holding on to past grudges are only going to get in your way this year.

Saturday, April 2nd: Mercury meets the sun in Aires and you finally are getting the mental clarity to carry out your plans efficiently. The Winter Brain Fog Syndrome should be lifting, and you will find those extra hours of daylight are really boosting your stamina and drive.

Mercury makes a conjunction with Chiron on the second, forcing you to play the hand that you were dealt. To come to the table, to play, one must be as ready to lose as they are to win.

Find some time to get out into Mother Nature this week to enjoy a sunset and clear your head. There's no use crying over spilt milk, so draw on the Aires mentality of FK It, and keep your head held high and a smile on your face.**

Mystic Marissa 🔮💫 is here to help you plan your  WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL SOCIAL CALENDAR for:  March 13th 2022 – March 20th 2022

A much-needed reprieve is in store for you this week. After last week's Drama Dodge, you will be going through the week in a sort of blurred, hazy state. Don’t expect to get any clarity on confusing situations, instead just continue going with the flow and use Neptune’s influence to dig into that creative art project or blast some fun music and dance around your house.

Sunday, March 13th: The sun conjoins Neptune bringing a dreamy and surreal feeling to the week. It might feel like you're moving through a state of dreamy euphoria IF you use this energy to focus on creativity and meditation. If you fight against Neptunes influence, you will feel like you are stuck in a BOG with no way out. Take a chill pill, bust out your yoga matt, favorite play list, and allow yourself the freedom to just BE!

Friday, March 18th: Full moon in Virgo breaks up the diffuse Pisces vibes, giving you a peak into the clarity you have been searching for these last few weeks. This full moon is giving you a glimpse at what the future holds, getting you ready for the INTENSE energy of Aires.

This is the last week of Pisces season before we head into FIRE AIRES! Tune into your dreams this final week. The easiest way is to meditate on a situation you want clarity in and when you wake up, write down what you dreamed. After doing this for the full week, reread what you wrote down and you might be shocked to see the answer written down. This will give you the clarity needed to use Aries energy to STRIKE OUT on a new (AND BETTER) path.

Mystic Marissa 🔮💫 is here to help you plan your  WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL SOCIAL CALENDAR for:  January 10th - January 16th 2022

Hope you have had an enjoyable beginning of the new year 🥳🥳 If you fell off the resolution bandwagon 😭 now is the time to just jump back on🤪

Quick RECAP: January 2nd : The first lunar event arrives as early! The Moon 🌝becomes New 🌑in the ambitious sign of Capricorn ♑️ The New Moon 🌚 boosted your energy ⚡️and with Capricorn ♑️ focusing on your career 👩‍💻you should have felt motivated to write down your goals ✍️and micro steps to achieving them 📈This focus will get a boost on Monday, January 10th!

January 10th: Monday starts you off with a sextile between the Sun 🌞 in Capricorn ♑️ and Neptune 🐟 in Pisces ♓️ This is a great week to return to personal affirmations 🗣and rituals 🧘‍♂️that keep us centered and positive 🥰So, bust out the sage 🌱and vision board 😎and get to Manifesting 🙏🏻Neptune 🐡 is known to open that door 🚪 to your wildest dreams 💭😘, so be prepared to see an opportunity that is presented to you this week 🙌

January 14th: Mercury ☄️the trickster 🤗 planet, begins its first retrograde 😭of the year in Aquarius ♒️ The planet ☄️of thought 💭 and communication 📞moves backwards 🔙in Aquarius ♒️ which governs our digital devices 💻 so strengthen your passwords and back everything up to the Cloud ☁️ Mercury Retrogrades ☄️🔙force us to SLOW DOWN ✋and not make rash decisions on impulse alone. For the next three weeks 3️⃣ avoid the “act now and regret later” motto and really weigh the pros and cons ⚖️ of moving in a new direction 🧭

You can make changes during the Mercury Retrograde ☄️🔙 Just make sure you spend the time to really get all your ducks 🦆 in a row 🦆🦆🦆before switching paths 👆👉👇👈 Remember the Turtle 🐢 won the race, not the Hare 🐇

Mystic Marissa 🔮💫 is here to help you plan your  WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL SOCIAL CALENDAR for:  January 1st - January 9th 2022

2021 was a hellacious year for everyone🤕 (Unless you were Bezos or Musk 🤑🤬) and luckily, the planets 🪐 are aligning up to finish its winter clean of old baggage 🧳🧳 to bring in New Year FUN 🥳and ADVENTURE 🤠

Quick RECAP: December 29th 2021: Mercury ☕️(planet of communication) and Venus ❤️(planet of love) did a quick tango 💃🕺in a conjunction ➕ This brief planetary fling 💏really made sure you were ultra-clear with your new boundaries that you are setting! January is going to test your newfound back bone 🦴 so don’t buckle under old arguments and fall back into victim mode 😭

January 1st: HAPPY NEW YEAR! 🥳🥳 Don’t forget to eat your Black-Eyed Peas 🥣and Collard Greens 🥬 first thing on January 1st to ensure some better financial luck this year🤑 These last 2 years have wreaked havoc on everyone's finances🥴
so a little extra Goodluck eating might not be a bad thing🤞🏻

January 2nd : The first lunar event arrives as early! The Moon 🌝becomes New 🌑in the ambitious sign of Capricorn ♑️ You should have already been ahead of this New Moon 🌚 energy and written down your 2022 Goals 📝 Tonight pull them out and mediate 🧘‍♀️on how you will go about achieving your dreams this year 🤩
Remember to take the BIG Goal 🥅and break it down into mini goals. 🥅🥅🥅🥅 That way you will know exactly what you need to do to start working towards this vision 😃

These next two weeks will start off in a lull 😴 Enjoy it while it lasts, because on January 14th, the first Mercury ☕ retrograde will occur! 😱😱 More on that next week....