GTA Publishers Didn't Say Games Should Be Priced Per Hour But Do They Have a Point?

🎮 Brace yourselves for the latest buzz in the gaming world on RAGE QUIT: Video Game Talk Show! 🚀 In this special discussion, we're tackling the hot topic that's been making headlines - the rumor surrounding Strauss Zelnick, the CEO of GTA juggernaut Take-Two, and his thoughts on pricing games by the hour! 😱⏰

Join us as we break down the controversy stemming from a quote in Take-Two's Q2 earnings call, where a Goldman Sachs analyst probed Zelnick about his stance on subscription pricing in the broader entertainment market. 🤔

But before you unleash the rage quit, here's the scoop: Zelnick's response doesn't advocate for hourly gaming rates. 🕹️ Instead, he echoes the industry consensus that video games, as a whole, offer tremendous value for your buck, thanks to their immersive depth and, yes, the substantial length of the gaming experience! 💰🎮

Tune in to RAGE QUIT and join the conversation - Should games be priced hourly, or is Zelnick spot on about the enduring value of our beloved virtual adventures? 🗣️ Smash that like button, hit subscribe, and let the gaming discussions unfold! 🚀👾